Hey guys! I know I did a DIY earlier today, but I couldn't resist! I remembered this craft, and thought I HAD to show it to y'all! So, let's get started!

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You need :


Hot Glue gun


Hair Dryer

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So, let's start!

1. First, get your supplies.

2. Glue crayons onto the top of your canvas in rainbow order. Let the glue dry. This might take up to an hour.

3. When your glue is dry, place your canvas against a wall so it's easier to make the melted wax drip downwards.

4. Take your hair-dryer, turn it on it's highest setting, and blow-dry the crayons. The heat from the blow-dryer will make the wax drip down the canvas. This may take awhile.

5. Once you're satisfied with your canvas, let the wax dry. It won't take too long. Hang up your masterpiece in a place where everybody will see it!

TADA! That is your crayon painting! Hope you like it, and be sure to send me a picture of what you have done! When I made it, it was super cute! Thanks for reading! 

P.S. You should have some newspaper underneath the canvas. It's pretty messy!

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